Page 47 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021






Page 47 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 47


          Patrick Mutinda Muthusi, Uganda      Md Shamim Sarkar, Bangladesh       Yu Qui, Thailand. 
          “As a mixed practice veterinarian,   “I would encourage people to       “The knowledge I gained has helped
          I really liked the Research Design   consider taking this degree if they   me to improve my daily
          and Methods module. This module      are passionate about solving real   work performance and gain
          specifically details the evidence-   world animal health problems, using   more recognition.”
          based veterinary medicine which      essential skills that are acquired
          enabled me to combine the best       through this degree.”
          evidence (mostly primary research),   “I feel part of a community and
          my clinical expertise and owner/     I look forward to the professional
          animal circumstances to come up      networking opportunities this
          with tailored clinical decisions.”
                                               will provide.”

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