Page 45 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 45 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 45


        The Wild Ride 

        Timothy Powell (2021)

                                            The Wild Ride was initially created by   help now more than ever. Our amazing
                                            myself and my aunt, Claire Powell. Claire   team of riders have managed to do a lot
                                            lives and works in Zambia where she   of fundraising and we have been lucky
                                            runs Thorn Tree Safaris. She has always   enough to get Lintbells on board as our
                                            had a passion for helping all creatures   main sponsor, so despite the fact that we
                                            great and small and has long dreamed   won’t be visiting Zambia in 2021, we hope
                                            of running a cycling adventure through   our presence will be felt none the less! 
                                            Zambia to raise money for the various   The Wild Ride was never intended to be
                                            charities and conservationists she has   a one-off event so we will be back at it
                                            been supporting for years. We quickly
              uly 2021 was supposed to be   contacted Charlie Mays and Andy Rose   again in 2022 with a three-week ride that
              the start of an annual cycling   from Vetfit, both also ºÚÁÏÉç alumni, to help   looks set to take place in August.
              adventure through the heart of   us organise the ride.            If you are interested in knowing more
        Jone of the most breathtaking                                           about The Wild Ride, how you can sign
        countries on the African continent.   We had planned on riding from Lusaka   up, how you can donate or how you
        The Wild Ride was born out of a passion   to Livingstone, seeing a number of   can become one of our main sponsors
        for conservation, animal welfare and   Zambia’s wonders and crossing the   please send an email to
        adventure and hoped to prove that we   finish line on Victoria Falls bridge. Along or
        can make a huge difference, despite   the way we would have also been   find us on Facebook and Just Giving.
        living over 12,000km away!          visiting conservationists including Lilayi
                                            Elephant Orphanage run by Game
        Landlocked in southern Africa, Zambia   Rangers International, Conservation
        is fed and shaped by its rivers, lakes   Lower Zambezi and their Invictus K9 unit,
        and, of course, its waterfalls; the most   the Zambian Carnivore Programme and
        famous being Victoria Falls, which at   the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust. We also
        2km wide and 103m deep are the      had planned to spend time with charities
        largest falls in the world. Massive lakes,   such as Lusaka Animal Welfare Society,
        rich wetlands and breathtaking African   Zambezi Animal Welfare Society, A
        sunsets all contribute to the country's   Different Wild Rehabilitation Sanctuary
        scenic splendour. In addition to its   and the Donkey Sanctuary in Livingstone. 
        natural wonders, Zambia offers a taste
        of its diverse tribal and cultural heritage   The funding for these conservationists
        through its craftwork, music, dance and   and charities has been hit hard by the
        traditional ceremonies.             COVID-19 pandemic, so they need our

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