Page 43 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021






Page 43 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 43


        easy to sign up for your local area   “Hatfield Primary Care Network    booster vaccine sessions run smoothly.
        and do shifts whenever suits you    (HPCN) is a group of local doctors   I met some amazing volunteers from all
        (  practices in Hatfield and Welham   walks of life who just wanted to make
        to-volunteer/volunteer-roles/steward-  Green. The HPCN set up a COVID   a difference.
        volunteer) – enjoy the buzz that comes   vaccination ‘hub’ in partnership with   “I urge anyone to take up a volunteering
        from both helping beat COVID-19, and   the University of Hertfordshire at their   opportunity if given the chance, it truly
        many free KitKats!”                 halls of residence in Hatfield. On my   is a great way of getting out in to your
                                            half day and at weekends, I spend
        Vicki Laing, Head of Alumni Relations   my time volunteering as a steward.   local community and meeting people.”
        & Events
                                            Donning a hi-viz and tackling the
        “Like Kate, I felt pretty helpless during   elements, we directed traffic and
        the pandemic and over the past 18   people, cleaned seats, ensured those   Have you supported your local
        months have had close family and    who received the Pfizer vaccine sat and   community during the pandemic?
        friends really suffering from the effects   waited for 15 minutes (it is surprising   Whether that be with the vaccines,
        of COVID-19. A very close friend spent   what people regard as 15 minutes!)   foodbanks, checking in on neighbours,
        eight weeks on a ventilator in our local   and generally mucked in with whatever   running online sessions or anything
        hospital and I wanted to help get as   needed doing. The hub closed in   else, we would love to hear from you.
        many people vaccinated as quickly as   August but I am volunteering again now   Email us at
        possible!                           at the local surgeries to ensure the

         Kate Oliver                                            Perdi Welsh

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