Page 44 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 44 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 44

Learning to be me: the hidden curriculum

        Ceri Chick (2019)

                                                                     Working from home in the pandemic
         Ceri’s Master’s Poster Presentation                         (new feline colleague included!)

                   hen I started on the     I have now been working at the      Professions department. We are always
                   Bioveterinary Science    RCVS for two years, first as Leadership   wanting to learn about how we can
                   course at the ºÚÁÏÉç in     Initiatives Officer and now as Senior   help and support you, so do give us
        W2015, I had no idea                Leadership Officer. I work on various   a call! If you ever have any questions
        what I wanted to do for my career. I   initiatives to advance leadership   about what we do, or what projects we
        was pretty lost after missing out on   and learning within the veterinary   work on, give us a shout – we’re more
        the grades at A-level to do veterinary   professions, and I also support the   approachable than you think!
        medicine and coming to the ºÚÁÏÉç      RCVS Fellowship. I absolutely adore   Did your career path lead you in a
        through clearing. Having been the   my job, working with this department   different direction than you expected?
        high-achieving teacher’s pet at school,   is so rewarding. We would love for you   We would love to hear your story!
        to have lost that felt like losing my   all to get involved with the initiative.   Email us at
        identity. I thought that if I worked to   Please do take a look at our website
        become a vet after my first degree,   ( to
        my life would be ‘back on track’.   see how we can help support you, and
                                            if you have any ideas that you’d like to
        What I didn’t realise at the time was
        that I had no idea what ‘on track’ meant.   see us do – tell us!
        I’d been so fixated on this idea of being   Whilst my academic teaching was
        a vet that I had forgotten to consider   successful, the most valuable thing
        other options – to really find out what   that being a student at the ºÚÁÏÉç
        I enjoyed rather than what I thought   taught me was to take the time to be
        I should do.                        who I wanted to be – not who other
                                            people thought I should be. University
        Once I’d settled into university life and
        made some incredible friends, I actually   life provided me with the opportunity
        had the space to breathe. I joined the   to really learn about myself, and I’m
        Students’ Union and engaged properly   always thankful for that. Sometimes
        in my course and my research projects.   the right path isn’t obvious, but by
        It was at this point that I realised – hey,   being open-minded and learning about
        I’m pretty good at project management!   other ideas, we might find that shining
        Actually… I love having a project I   light. Not knowing what you want to
        can sink my teeth into that’ll really   do is ok. Starting on one path but
        make a difference to the veterinary   falling out of love with it and trying
        profession. Cue the perfect job being   something else is ok too. Life is about
        advertised at the Royal College of   experiencing things!
        Veterinary Surgeons.                And while I have your attention,
                                            please do feel comfortable to get in   Ceri with her two best friends
                                            contact with our Advancement of the   (also ºÚÁÏÉç BioVet graduates)
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