Page 52 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 52
The wonder of Widening Participation
Stephanie-Rae Flicker (2021)
The importance of Widening Participation (WP) has greatly increased in recent years,
as well as the understanding of its value to broadening pools of university applicants.
n the early stages of my application Granted, I was also one of many pupils So, I acted on this intent and pushed
process, around seven years blissfully unaware of the Gateway myself to attend a variety of events
ago, I really was not aware of the Programme, which offered a life-line in – the first being a masterclass with
Iopportunities that the WP criteria the face of not-so-ideal AS-level grades. Julian Drewe in 2013 where discussions
could allow me. Who knew that having I could only see myself attending the arose about pandemics; if that was not
a low-income household, being the ; the Camden Campus was easily a sign foreshadowing my final year I do
first in the family to university and your accessible for someone depending not know what is!
postcode could have such an impact heavily on public transport, as my
on your options! parents were unable to ferry me around. Ultimately, after that session I was
hooked; going on to shadow an
student for a day then attending a
lambing day at Boltons Park Farm
in the spring of 2014, followed by
the Sutton Trust Summer School
that same summer. The Summer
School was a brilliant set-up for like-
minded individuals from a mixture of
backgrounds and the opportunity to
bond about not necessarily being a
“traditional” applicant.
Fast-forward, by some grace, I had
achieved getting onto the Gateway
Programme and on my way to eventually
starting the Veterinary Medicine course.
I now look fondly back on my time at the
and think that the most rewarding
elements were not only passing through
the years and the experiences I have
afforded, but the opportunities to give
back to students in the same position
I was, back in 2013. I have spoken to
countless students and parents as a
Student Ambassador, worked three
summer schools and contributed
to setting up our tailored outreach
programme – Animal Aspirations.