Page 57 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
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Meet the Scholars
In 2019 the launched five new undergraduate scholarships funded by donations from
supporters and alumni. These scholarships are aimed at supporting excellent students who
would benefit from financial support during their course and they have had a fantastic impact
on the recipients. Congratulations to all our scholars, here are some of the 2020/21 selection.
Raheem Coombs Roshaana Sivakumar Amber Phillips
2020 Linkou Scholar for 2020 Linkou Scholar for 2020 Catt Scholar for
Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Nursing
“Being lucky enough to receive the
Catt Scholarship has tremendously
helped me to fully enrich my studies
so far in my course. I have been able
to purchase important materials for
my education, such as textbooks that
have aided me in so many ways with
assignments and revision, as well as
essential equipment I needed to have
before my placement commences.
“The awarded money has also taken
a huge weight off my shoulders about
affording accommodation during term
time and transport to my placement
– this has aided me in focusing
completely on my work, which would
otherwise be rather difficult for me.
“Overall, the Catt Scholarship has
“Receiving the Linkou Scholarship “I would firstly like to say a huge thank helped support me in many ways, and
has financially helped to enhance my you for receiving this scholarship, as for that, I will forever be grateful.”
studying in various ways. The purchase it has benefited me tremendously over All of these scholarships have been
of an iPad has saved me countless the past few months. I feel extremely funded thanks to donations and
hours of note taking, enabling me to honoured to have been awarded this. legacies – if you would like to support
engage with the content more than Receiving this scholarship money has scholarships at the and help
I have done before. I have noticed significantly helped with purchasing the promising students achieve their career
a significant improvement in my essential items I required for the course. goals please contact us on 01707
assimilation of information from lectures, “Having this extra finance has given me 666237 or at
especially whilst working from home.
some peace of mind and allowed me to
“The scholarship also funded my focus on my studies without having the
lambing placement this spring. This burden of worrying about working extra
placement enabled me to employ shifts during the weekend or holidays to
the theoretical techniques, which save more money.
I learned in lectures, to practical “In the past I have struggled with the
scenarios. Working alongside a vet balance between work life and my
whilst I was there, highlighted the education, and this scholarship has
differences between small animal alleviated my financial stress and
and farm veterinary; the latter being allowed me to focus on my academic
heavily associated with treatments career, as well as myself so I can
being financially viable.
reach my full potential. It has made
“Being a recipient of the Linkou the first year of university a much
Scholarship is an opportunity that smoother and enjoyable process,
I am very grateful to receive, and I despite the COVID-19 pandemic.”
am excited for what Year Two of the
course holds.”