Page 15 - Clinical Strategy 2024-2029
P. 15
Theme 4: to encourage inter-disciplinary and welfare and patient care
cross-departmental approaches
Research and Focus our clinical research on areas Develop a structure to horizon scan and
review innovations in health care, and
Innovation of greatest impact for animal welfare, a process to prioritise our investment in
balancing research relevant to general equipment and our team, to ensure we
We work continually to lead advancements
practice with world-leading clinical remain at the cutting-edge of patient
in clinical care, and its delivery, through
innovation that recognises the value of care
impactful clinical research and an
our unique referral caseload and ensures
openness and drive to harness
the opportunities to learn from our
technological innovations for the benefit
patients for the future is optimised
of our patients, clients, the profession and
animal welfare Explore opportunities for research
funding, including collaborations with
To achieve this aim we will: industry partners, leveraging our unique
Strengthen our internal culture, backed up organisational position that combines
by effective systems and processes, that world-leading clinical expertise with
positively and consciously enables our strength in the biological sciences and
clinical teams to undertake clinical recognising the potential this brings for
research and recognises the specifi c translational research and One Health
challenges of performing research in a Develop our expertise and reputation in
clinical environment machine learning, predictive analytics
and health tech and become the
Engage with the establishment of the
preferred institution for veterinary input
Research Institute, with the aim of creating
to these emerging technologies, and
an environment that fosters collaboration
provide an independent voice in the
between our clinical units and with our
evaluation of their value for animal
colleagues in the biological sciences