Page 12 - Clinical Strategy 2024-2029






Page 12 - Clinical Strategy 2024-2029
P. 12

Theme 3:                                              as a distinct postgraduate career path         Ensure our general practices model
                        Developing                                           Build a clear strategy and deliver             good business practice with defi ned and
                                                                                                                             clear offerings for our clients and effi cient
                                                                              asociated outputs addressing research
                        General practice                                      questions relevant to general practice         processes

                                                                              optimising use of our VetCompass
                        Our general practices act as exemplars
                                                                              database and supporting the
                        of patient and client centred care
                                                                              establishment of general practice as an
                        providing a resilient caseload for
                                                                              academic discipline.
                        undergraduate training, supporting
                        postgraduate career pathways and                     Ensure our general practices support
                        leading the profession by generating                  education across the breadth of activity
                        general practice focussed research and                undertaken within general practice
                        by sharing quality improvement                        including a structured approach to
                        initiatives                                           contextualised care for unwell patients,
                                                                              and preventative healthcare
                        To achieve this aim we will:
                          Create a General Practice (GP) division           Review our general practice offering
                          within the  providing both strategic             in light of changing accreditation
                          direction and accountability for opera-             requirements and ensure a robust
                          tional delivery for our general practice            and resilient caseload for our general
                          sites and supporting collaboration and              practice undergraduate teaching through
                          sharing of expertise between our GP                 our internal sites, exploring appropriate
                          sites                                               acquisitions and cementing partnerships
                                                                              with key external providers, especially
                         Develop clear internal development
                                                                              those for shelter medicine/accessible
                          opportunities for our GP team aligning
                                                                              care and production animal medicine
                          and contributing to the wider work in the
                          profession supporting general practice

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