Page 19 - Clinical Strategy 2024-2029







Page 19 - Clinical Strategy 2024-2029
P. 19


                        DELIVERY                                                            MEASURES OF SUCCESS

                        The strategy will be implemented   Operational delivery of the plan   Implementation of the strategy

                        through the Clinical leadership   will be managed through the       will ensure ongoing delivery of
                        structure that was updated during   Clinical Operations Group, which   Council KPIs
                        2024. Ultimate accountability for   includes clinical and operational   Alongside these high level KPIs,
                        delivery rests with the VP (Clinical   leadership from each of our   a balanced scorecard approach

                        Services) supported in strategic   clinical sites. The four themes of   is being taken to developing a
                        oversight by the Clinical Board.   Clinical Quality, Service Delivery,   suite of KPI measures to track
                        The Clinical Board includes       Supporting Our Education and      progress for each of the strands
                        senior level representation       Research and Innovation will be   in the service delivery theme.

                        from Learning, Teaching and       implemented across all units, with   Relevant KPIs and milestones will
                        Assessment and Research/          the precise nature of the activity   be developed as the other themes
                        Innovation ensuring alignment     being tailored to the unit. The   are operationalised.
                        across the three core mission     General Practice theme will be

                        strategies. Senior PSD leaders    delivered predominantly through
                        also sit on the Clinical Board,   the newly created Director of GP
                        ensuring activity can be prioritised   role.
                        according to availability and

                        co-ordination of ºÚÁÏÉç resource.

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