Page 13 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024






Page 13 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 13



                                                                                                                          I would want her to know how
                     Hereford calving
                     simulator                                                                                      very thankful I am, and I am proud

                   TEACHING                                         SCHOLARSHIPS                                    to have attended a university that
                                                                                                                    seeks to bridge financial gaps
                                                                                                                    by supporting students in this

                   Over the years the ACT has supported the      Thanks to legacies left by ACT supporters and the support   way. I am a graduate of the best
                   Clinical Skills Centre by funding pioneering teaching   from Trusts and Foundations, the ACT is delighted to be   veterinary university in the world.
                   equipment, including the latest simulation models. This   able to offer scholarships to students who might otherwise
                   enables students to practise their clinical skills in a safe   struggle to afford to study at the . For many students,   It means the world that I was
                   environment and improve their confidence and ability to   studying for a challenging course while coping with rising   able to succeed and graduate,
                   perform the veterinary clinical skills required to become a   living costs can seem to be an insurmountable barrier.   despite where I am from and the
                   veterinary surgeon or nurse before they are faced with a   Scholarships empower talented individuals to overcome   circumstances we were in. Thank
                   live animal.                                     this obstacle and follow their dreams.
                                                                                                                    you, you have changed my life.
                   The ACT is committed to supporting new and innovative   Ebony graduated in 2024, this was made possible
                   ways of teaching and this year we were excited to fund   thanks to Elizabeth Catt, who left us a gift in her will eight   – Ebony,  graduate 2024
                   virtual reality (VR) headsets and software to enhance the   years earlier. Elizabeth wanted to help young people
                   student learning experience. The use of VR in education   fulfil their dreams of working with animals regardless
                   is increasing as it provides an immersive and interactive   of their financial situation. Ebony is now a registered
                   opportunity to explore the practical skills required in   veterinary nurse and explains the scholarships impact
                   veterinary medicine as well as an opportunity to practise   on her life: “I am blown away by Elizabeth’s generosity
                   them. The VR equipment is also an ideal tool for our   and thoughtfulness. She has helped not just me, but my
                   Widening Participation and Outreach events as it allows   family. At my graduation, I used the money for travel,
                   prospective students an opportunity to really immerse   accommodation and creating experiences with them.”
                   themselves in the veterinary world, demonstrating some
                   of the skills required by veterinary surgeons and nurses
                   and providing an insight into the practical sessions on the
                   course without the need for lots of equipment.

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