Page 17 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024







Page 17 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 17



                     BUILDING LOCAL                                 HONOURING                                       WEDDING

                     CONNECTIONS                                    LOVED ONES                                      CELEBRATIONS

                     Our local community remains essential in helping us   We were deeply touched to receive donations in memory   In memory of her cat, Mr. Bingley, who was treated at the
                     make a difference. This year, we were honoured to be   of Vivien Phillips, who worked closely with ºÚÁÏÉç’s Dr. Peter   ºÚÁÏÉç, Mallory Carr found a special way to honour him on
                     chosen as the charity of the year by the Stevenage   Bedford on canine glaucoma research. As a fitting tribute,   her wedding day. She asked friends and family to donate
                     Dog Watch, who raised funds for the ºÚÁÏÉç Blood Donor   Vivien’s family chose to honour her memory by supporting   to our work in lieu of gifts for the couple. Thanks to the
                     Programme. They hosted two fun-filled dog shows jam   the ºÚÁÏÉç Blood Donor Programme, raising over £2,000.   generosity of her loved ones, over £1,600 was raised
                     packed with family-friendly activities, from dog agility   We extend our heartfelt thanks to Vivien’s family and   in Mr. Bingley’s memory. We are grateful to Mallory for
                     courses to pony rides. Not only did these events raise   friends for this meaningful contribution in her memory.  including us in her special day and honouring
                     crucial funds, but they also increased awareness about                                         Mr. Bingley’s legacy.
                     our work. We are so thankful to the Stevenage Dog
                     Watch for their hard work and dedication.

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