Page 16 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024







Page 16 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 16


                      THE DIFFERENCE

                      YOU MAKE
                                                                  RUNNING FOR                                       THE ZAMBEZI RIVER
                      Our success is possible only                A CAUSE                                           CHALLENGE
                      because of our valued supporters
                      who continuously go above and               Each year, we are fortunate to have dedicated supporters   Intrepid supporter Emma Peters undertook an
                      beyond to help us achieve our               running the London Marathon and the London        incredible 100km rowing journey down Africa’s mighty
                      goals. This year, we are especially         Landmarks Half Marathon on our behalf. Many run to   Zambezi River in memory of her beloved dog, Lucca,
                                                                                                                    who passed away from IMHA. For ten days, Emma
                                                                  honour a pet who received treatment at an ºÚÁÏÉç hospital,
                      grateful for the dedication and             or simply for their love of animals. This year, ºÚÁÏÉç   braved powerful rapids, paddled alongside hippos
                      creativity of so many fundraisers           Professor of Emergency and Critical Care, Dan Chan,   and crocodiles, and raised over £1,300 for the ºÚÁÏÉç’s
                      who have supported us in                    went the extra mile – running two marathons in one year,   IMHA research and Blood Donor Programme. We are
                      extraordinary ways.                         his first-ever marathons! Dan’s commitment helped raise   inspired by Emma’s adventure and deeply grateful for
                                                                  nearly £3,000, an outstanding accomplishment, and we   her remarkable support.
                                                                  couldn’t be more grateful for his dedication.
                 A LEGACY OF
                 CARE FOR ANIMALS

                 We are deeply thankful to those supporters who
                 choose to leave a gift in their will to the ACT, ensuring
                 their love for animals lives on. To help supporters make
                 this meaningful decision, we’ve launched a new legacy
                 brochure. The brochure tells the impactful stories of
                 the three pillars of our work, so supporters can feel
                 confident in the lasting difference their gift will make.
                 The response has been heartwarming, with many
                 choosing to contribute in this lasting way. We extend
                 our sincere gratitude to everyone who has included us
                 in their legacy planning.

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