Page 9 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024







Page 9 - ACT Annual Review 2023-2024
P. 9


                                                                                                 HEART SURGERY

                   CARDIOPULMONARY                                  GE VIVID IQ                                     SURGICAL

                   BYPASS CONSOLE                                   ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY UNIT                           LOUPES

                   Mitral valve disease is the most common form of heart   The GE Vivid IQ is a portable ultrasound machine   These state-of-the-art magnifying glasses, equipped with
                   disease in dogs and the ºÚÁÏÉç is one of a few centres in   and can be transported across the hospital easily,   high-resolution recording capabilities, are revolutionising
                   the world to be able to correct the condition with surgery.   allowing for bedside echocardiography to be performed   cardiothoracic surgeries, enhancing precision and
                   Mitral valve disease is a congenital malformation of the   in patients that cannot be moved from the ICU for   improving patient outcomes.
                   valve that closes between the left atrium and left ventricle   diagnostics. It has become a vital instrument in the day-  The loupes, specifically designed for complex
                   to prevent backflow of blood when the heart beats. When   to-day clinical cardiology routine at the QMHA and has   cardiothoracic procedures, provide surgeons with
                   this valve is malformed the heart performs less efficiently   become the primary ultrasound machine to conduct daily   magnified, detailed views of the surgical field. This
                   and can enlarge to try to maintain the level of blood flow.   echocardiography for both in-patients and out-patients.
                                                                                                                    increased clarity allows for greater precision during
                   The aim of surgery is to reduce the volume of leakage   The cardiothoracic surgery team performs two mitral   delicate operations, such as cardiopulmonary bypasses,
                   through the valve, and thus enable the heart to work   valve repair surgeries per week using the GE Vivid IQ.   significantly improving the quality of care. The loupes
                   efficiently and remodel, towards normal size. To perform   The machine provides imaging of the heart through the   also feature an integrated camera, enabling surgeons to
                   the surgery, the heart must be stopped and opened,   oesophagus giving a clear view of the structure and   review surgeries, refine techniques, and share valuable
                   and this is when the cardiopulmonary bypass console is   function of the heart to help guide the surgical team in   insights with colleagues and students.
                   required to replace the function of the heart and lungs   their repair procedure for each patient.  Beyond improving surgical outcomes, the recorded
                   and maintain the circulation of oxygen rich blood to the                                         procedures provide a unique educational resource
                   body during the procedure.
                                                                                                                    for veterinary students, offering an in-depth view into
                                                                                                                    complex surgeries that textbooks simply cannot capture.
                                                                                                                    The new loupes are a major step forward in both
                          The surgical loupes have become essential in cardiothoracic                               veterinary care and clinical research at the ºÚÁÏÉç.
                   surgery, offering the precision needed for these complex procedures.

                   The integrated camera enhances both my skills and our ability to
                   teach the next generation of veterinarians.

                   – Dr Matteo Rossanese, ºÚÁÏÉç Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery

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