Page 16 - Learning Teaching Assessment and Student Experience Strategy
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To achieve our aims the must Specifi c initiatives: Review Quality Assurance processes
be The will improve the ways in which ensuring that they are effi cient and
An Institution that: feedback from students is sought and effective.
responded to. Enhance our capacity to use data
Seeks feedback and visibly
We will strive to improve engagement effectively allowing the institution to
with graduates and employers to obtain better understand student engagement
Defi nes learning-gain based
feedback. and other KPIs.
on the acquisition and mastery
We will build on the defi nition of Understand income and expenditure
of skills.
educational gain used in the TEF associated with different learning,
Recruits, retains, rewards and
to provide a compelling teaching assessment and student
recognises members of staff whose
demonstration of gain prior to the next experience activities to ensure they are
main focus is on teaching, learning and
TEF in three years’ time. resourced appropriately.
Continue to develop ways in which staff Work with colleagues in our
Continues to develop pathways
can be recognised and rewarded for Professional Service Department (PSD)
for teaching staff
their contribution to teaching; where to ensure appropriate resource to
Develops members of staff willing and
teaching is held in equal esteem to address issues associated with
able to take on teaching leadership
roles. research and successful teachers have organisation and management including
Optimises quality assurance and clear career progression. curriculum mapping, course approval,
enhancement processes and shares, Progress HR leadership development timetabling etc.
collects and analyses appropriate data. programme.
Invests in appropriate resources – Develop CPD pathways for AdvanceHE
digital, physical and human resources Fellowship to recognise the contributions
[HR]. of academic and professional
services staff to our core missions
Study group of students in Camden