Page 13 - Learning Teaching Assessment and Student Experience Strategy
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To achieve our aims the must Specifi c initatives: Evolve the current post-graduate course
have Encourage staff to undertake pedagogical portfolio (including CPD) with a view to
Teaching that is: and professional research which can offering more fl exible, modular, blended
inform the future development of their ways to obtain PG qualifi cations including
Evidence based (learning from
teaching and that of others. the development of microcredentials and
and undertaking pedagogical
Promote and reward staff engagement recognition of transferrable credit.
with educational networks in their areas Include learning activities that encourage
Is research informed and
of expertise to discover and apply other interaction, engage our students’ prior
meets the needs of diverse learners
pedagogical innovations (Advance-HE, knowledge and range of experiences and
Is delivered by peer communities
RSoB, VetEd, RCVS, AAMVC). illustrate the value of a diverse student
of teachers and learners
Ensure that those involved in teaching are community.
Recognises, respects and
supported to be actively involved in, or
appreciates the different
abreast of, research developments in the
dimensions of our student-body
fi elds in which they teach.
Incorporates technology where
Offer diverse opportunities for students to
undertake research in all courses at level 6
Rises to the challenge of artifi cial
and above.
intelligence [AI] Relevant policies either developed or in
Prepare students for a world in which
Employs various methods of development
the use of AI is routine by incorporating,
delivery appropriate to the Blended Learning Strategy
acknowledging and critiquing the use of
intended aims while suited to the AI policy or adoption of Russell group
AI in student work, including assessments
needs of diverse learners policies
when appropriate.
Coherent and well organised