Page 13 - Learning Teaching Assessment and Student Experience Strategy






Page 13 - Learning Teaching Assessment and Student Experience Strategy
P. 13



                        To achieve our aims the  must              Specifi c initatives:                             Evolve the current post-graduate course
                        have                                            Encourage staff to undertake pedagogical      portfolio (including CPD) with a view to
                        Teaching that is:                                and professional research which can           offering more fl exible, modular, blended
                                                                         inform the future development of their        ways to obtain PG qualifi cations including
                         Evidence based (learning from
                                                                         teaching and that of others.                  the development of microcredentials and
                            and undertaking pedagogical
                                                                        Promote and reward staff engagement           recognition of transferrable credit.
                                                                         with educational networks in their areas      Include learning activities that encourage
                          Is research informed and
                                                                         of expertise to discover and apply other      interaction, engage our students’ prior
                            meets the needs of diverse learners
                                                                         pedagogical innovations (Advance-HE,          knowledge and range of experiences and
                          Is delivered by peer communities
                                                                         RSoB, VetEd, RCVS, AAMVC).                    illustrate the value of a diverse student
                          of teachers and learners
                                                                        Ensure that those involved in teaching are    community.
                          Recognises, respects and
                                                                         supported to be actively involved in, or
                            appreciates the different
                                                                         abreast of, research developments in the
                            dimensions of our student-body
                                                                         fi elds in which they teach.
                          Incorporates technology where
                                                                        Offer diverse opportunities for students to
                                                                         undertake research in all courses at level 6
                         Rises to the challenge of artifi cial
                                                                         and above.
                             intelligence [AI]                                                                       Relevant policies either developed or in
                                                                        Prepare students for a world in which
                         Employs various methods of                                                                 development
                                                                         the use of AI is routine by incorporating,
                             delivery appropriate to the                                                               Blended Learning Strategy
                                                                         acknowledging and critiquing the use of
                             intended aims while suited to the                                                        AI policy or adoption of Russell group
                                                                         AI in student work, including assessments
                             needs of diverse learners                                                                    policies
                                                                         when appropriate.
                           Coherent and well organised

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