Page 12 - ACT Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2023






Page 12 - ACT Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2023
P. 12

Your support in action...

       A walk in                           A birthday                           enjoyed the winter challenge so
                                                                                much, they decided to take part
       memory of  fundraiser                                                    again raising over £350 in total.

       Primrose                            for Bella                             Becky told us

                                                                                      This year I want to

                                           Instead of gifts for her birthday,    walk more with my best
                                           Brydie wanted to honour her beloved
                                           dog Bella, by asking friends and      friend, Toby. I didn’t think
                                           family to donate to us.               I would be able to raise as
                                           Brydie, tells us “I sadly lost my     much as I did, and I’m so
                                           beautiful Bella to cancer. She was    glad that every penny will
                                           only five years old, and we should
                                           have had years left with her. She was   go to a place close to my
                                           a typical lapdog, very affectionate,   family’s heart.
                                           and loved cuddles and cheese! It
       James lost his beloved beagle,      feels good donating money towards
       Primrose to epilepsy when she was four.   something that could save dogs in the
       As a loving tribute to her, James raised   future and other owners the heartache   Well done to all our challengers.
       £370 for our canine epilepsy research.                                   Join us in the New Year for our next
                                           I suffered”.
       "She was a really hyper-happy dog   The £60 raised was allocated to the   Paws & Shoes.
       who got on with everyone she met.   new chemotherapy treatment room
       She loved life" explained James.    in our  Small Animal Referrals
       Devastatingly, one night Primrose had a   Hospital. We hope this is of comfort to
       cluster of epileptic seizures. The family   everyone who loved Bella.
       made the hardest decision for any pet
       owner, “to let Primrose go,” said James.

       James regularly met up with other   Best paw
       beagle lovers for long walks with
       Primrose. It seemed a fitting tribute
       to organise a three-and-a-half-mile   forward
       sponsored dog walk in her memory.
       With the walk a success, James has   Our first Paws & Shoes dog walking
       been inspired to continue fundraising   challenge launched in January, and
       for the rest of the year.           it was such a success that we ran it
       Find out more about the epilepsy    again this summer. The challenge,
       research James has supported        which can be tailor-made, is perfect
       on page 9.                          for spending more time with your
                                           pooch. Becky and her dog Toby         Toby

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