Page 11 - ACT Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2023







Page 11 - ACT Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2023
P. 11


        Ganyah processes samples             Mountain gorilla in Bwindi          Ganyah tracks mountain
        to identify parasite species         Impenetrable National Park, Uganda  gorilla groups

       Researcher works                    which can be studied for parasites.   Helping students
       with Gorilla Doctors                Ganyah was part of a research        with the cost
                                           team collecting and analysing
       in Uganda                           faecal samples from night nests      of living
                                           once the primates had departed.
       Ganyah was interested in researching   With chimpanzee nests up to 15 feet   We raise funds for the ºÚÁÏÉç’s Student
       parasite infections in chimpanzees   high in the trees (gorillas nest on the   Support Team to help students who
       and gorillas as part of her MSc in   ground) it was a chance to learn new   are in financial difficulty. Students have
       Wild Animal Health. Knowing her     conservation techniques. Ganyah was   been severely impacted by the cost-
       research would benefit from working   trained to collect and analyse samples.   of-living crisis and static student loan
       with ape conservationists in Uganda,                                     rates. Many students are concerned
       she applied for a scholarship to help   She told us,                     about the cost of gas, electricity, food
       with the associated travel costs.                                        and fuel, with some telling us they
       Ganyah received the Aitchison-            I learnt a plethora            cannot heat their house, use the oven
       Tait Scholarship, which helped her   of skills, from organising          or pay for food.
       pursue her dreams of working with                                        Financial stress can negatively
       a great ape parasite expert and an   abroad research permits             impact the mental health and general
       organisation called Gorilla Doctors.   and ethical approvals             wellbeing of our students. Reducing
       Her study has given conservationists   to the critical care in           their confidence and their ability to
       valuable information by comparing                                        study and sleep well, financial worries
       parasite species and infection intensity  place to protect these         may limit their academic potential.

       between gorillas and chimpanzees,   endangered species.                  Donations make a big difference in
       two closely related great apes.                                          helping students focus on their studies
                                           To the best of our knowledge, this is
       Gorillas and chimpanzees are                                             without worrying about their financial
       susceptible to infectious diseases.   the first study of its kind. The study   situation. It’s inspiring to see people
       Therefore, monitoring and managing   provided a health baseline data set   supporting our students in this way and
       parasite infections is crucial for their   for the chimpanzee population in   we’d like to say a massive thank you to
       conservation. Apes construct a new   Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.   everyone who sends us a donation to
       nest each night and defecate before   Thus, giving the first indication of   the Student Support Fund.
       departing, leaving faecal samples   population health.

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