Page 9 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2022
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The first ACT scholar graduates
legacy gift, Her job involves working in all Veterinary nursing is already
A generously donated areas of the hospital, including proving to be a meaningful
oncology, neurology, cardiology,
by ACT supporter,
career for Olivia, giving her
Elizabeth Catt, has and surgery to name just a few! valuable experience. Olivia tells
made Olivia Bowsher’s dreams Even so, Olivia admits she had us,
come true. Olivia was awarded first-day nerves, but they soon
the ACT Catt Scholarship turned to excitement when she “Being able to nurse
which awarded her £5,000 for put on her new uniform, patients back to health (in
each year of her nursing most cases) is something
degree. This empowered her to
overcome financial barriers to that gets me out of bed in
her education and reach her the morning.”
full potential. In July 2022 she
graduated and she’s already The transformation in Olivia’s
working as a veterinary nurse confidence is remarkable. When
at a busy referral hospital. Olivia started at the , she
tells us she lacked confidence
The scholarship enabled Olivia in her abilities, asking herself
to buy textbooks and equipment. whether she really had
It also helped ease term-time what it takes. The ACT Catt
rent and placement costs, like Scholarship gave Olivia
accommodation and transport. something priceless. It gave her
Olivia explains, belief in herself. Olivia tells us,
“Having this funding “Knowing someone
helped take the worry had faith in me at the
away and allowed me to beginning of a long
focus on learning.” and hard degree was
Impressed with Olivia’s passion something that kept me
and dedication, the was going.
delighted to award her the ACT
Catt Scholarship. Olivia reveals “The Catt Scholarship has
what it meant, been incredible. From
Olivia on
“Studying to be a graduation helping me financially
veterinary nurse at day to giving me extra
the was already motivation. It’s given me
an achievement I had “Putting on my uniform for the confidence I needed.
dreamed of for many the first time was a huge Thank you so much.”
years, but being a scholar milestone as
student was something it was the first YOU could have a lasting impact
I never thought would time I wore RVN on students, just like Olivia.
come true.” greens and
Having the opportunity to learn not a student To find out how to leave a legacy gift in
different types of veterinary uniform, very your will, just as Elizabeth did, please
medicine at the , prepared email THANK YOU.
Olivia for her new job at Pride exciting
Veterinary Centre in Derby. indeed!”
Paws & Hooves Autumn 2022 9 9