Page 12 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2022







Page 12 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2022
P. 12

ACT funds important research

                   he ºÚÁÏÉç is a leading veterinary research centre, producing research of international quality.
           T       Research improves diagnoses, treatments and outcomes for a variety of farm, sports and

                   pet animals. Sharing discoveries with scientists in human medicine increases the value of
                   veterinary research. There are often similarities in how illnesses present in different species
        and understanding these can be a pivotal key to unlocking healthy futures for us all.

          Finding new ways to               samples, enabling researchers        •   evaluate the likelihood of
                                                                                    a patient developing side
                                            to investigate laboratory
               treat epilepsy               techniques to differentiate             effects from medications.
                                            between cancer and non-cancer
        ºÚÁÏÉç researchers and clinicians      causes. These findings could         Understanding canine
        have devoted more than              result in a quicker diagnosis of         stomach cancer
        a decade to improving our           the cause without any stress or
        knowledge of epilepsy in dogs       discomfort to the patient.           How this type of cancer
        and cats. By understanding                                               progresses is currently unclear.
        this chronic disorder, new           Autoimmune diseases                 There is a lack of effective
        technology and techniques can                                            therapy, with no established
        be developed to aid long-term       The ºÚÁÏÉç is investigating             chemotherapy or surgical
        epilepsy management.                different autoimmune                 treatments. There are also no
          A pericardial effusion            diseases affecting blood cells,      diagnostic markers that can be
                                            including Immune Mediated
                   biobank                  Thrombocytopenia (ITP) and           used to prevent this disease from
                                                                                 taking hold.
                                            Immune Mediated Haemolytic
        Pericardial effusion is a life-     Anaemia (IMHA). Left-over blood
        threatening condition found in      samples will facilitate research     This new research project will
        dogs. It affects the pericardium    projects between the ºÚÁÏÉç and         expand our understanding of this
        - a fluid-filled sac-like structure   veterinarians in general practice.   disease in dogs. It could also
        which protects the heart. In 2/3    These research projects will:        help doctors treat the disease
        of cases, the underlying cause                                           in humans. Advancements will
        is cancer. But 1/3 of cases are                                          have a huge impact on outcomes
        not cancerous and have a            •   investigate underlying           for our pets, as well as help
        better prognosis. Treatment             genetic causes/novel             clinicians guide owners when
        involves draining the fluid             markers that predict             making decisions.
        around the heart. This new              responses to treatment
        research project will collect fluid
          Become an ACT Tailwagger for just £5 per month

        The community where pets help pets

        Tailwaggers are a vital part of the ºÚÁÏÉç Animal Care Trust, supporting other pets and the
        development of pioneering veterinary medicine. To join our community simply join online

        at and your pet will become an official ACT Tailwagger


        •    An exclusive ‘I help my pals’ Tailwaggers tag for your pet’s collar

        •    Updates by mail and email on how you’re making a difference

        •    Regular behind-the-scenes updates from the ºÚÁÏÉç hospitals
        •    Exclusive stories from the pets you have helped
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