Page 59 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
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SUPPORTING MENTAL HEALTH Helping future lifesavers
Financial concerns have always been
one of the biggest sources of stress
for students but with the increases
in the cost of living coupled with he has a programme dream that someone can help make true,
the reduction in value of student to encourage promising it means the absolute world. It is such an
finance, more students than ever students from diverse and amazing gift to give. It changes everything;
are experiencing significant financial Tunderrepresented backgrounds to have that support, that reassurance,
worries. The Alumni Fund has to pursue their ambitions at the . and a fallback in emergencies.
helped us tackle this in two ways. For some, studying for a challenging “I am blown away by Elizabeth’s
We recently invested in a new app course while coping with rising living generosity and thoughtfulness. She has
for students to enable them to manage costs can be difficult. Thanks to helped not just me, but my family. Even
their finances more effectively. The aim generous donations in wills, we are with my graduation, I used the money
of Blackbullion is to increase students’ able to offer a range of scholarships to for travel, accommodation, and creating
confidence about their finances by prospective students. These empower experiences with them. I would want her
helping them learn about money, find talented individuals to overcome financial to know how very thankful I am, and I am
extra money, and manage their money obstacles and follow their dreams. so proud to have attended a university
with confidence. This helps students that seeks to bridge financial gaps by
avoid getting into financial difficulties WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY BE? supporting students in this way.
by better managing their budgets. In 2016, the ’s charity, the Animal “I am a graduate of the best veterinary
The Alumni Fund also makes an Care Trust, was honoured to receive university in the world. It is something no
annual contribution to the Student a legacy in the will of Elizabeth Catt. one can take from me, and something I
Support Fund (SSF). The SSF Mrs Catt wanted her legacy to support am extraordinarily proud of. It means the
provides grants to students who find students in financial need and we world that I was able to succeed and
themselves in financial difficulties. used her donation to set up the Catt graduate, despite where I am from and
The pressure on the fund has been Scholarship for veterinary nurses. the circumstances we were in. Thank
increasing every year but thanks to you, you have changed my life.”
our alumni, we are usually able to help
students in need. LEAVE A LEGACY THAT’S RIGHT
By leaving a gift in your will you can make
WE NEED a lasting contribution to clinical practice,
research and education at the . You can
YOUR HELP choose to donate to us to support our broad
spectrum of work, or to fund a particular
cause close to your heart. We’ll guide you
Legacy Catt Scholar – Ebony Smith through the process with care and respect.
If you would like to contribute To find out more, download our Legacy
to the Alumni Fund, Ebony Smith was awarded the Catt Information Brochure by scanning the
Scholarship in 2021, and she graduated
QR code below. Or you can get in touch
please scan the smart code in July 2024. Ebony is now a registered with our friendly team via phone on
on this page, visit veterinary nurse and explains Elizabeth’s 01707 666237 or email, impact on her life:
call us on 01707 666237 “I wanted to pursue a job
where I could support and
or email us at nurture animals. The nursing
role felt perfect for me. People
talk about having lifelong
dreams and for me this is it.
“The scholarship made an
incredible difference, and it
was such a relief for my family.
It made me feel ready to tackle
university and its challenges.
When you have a difficult
childhood, but you have a