Page 45 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022






Page 45 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 45


         BSAVA AWARDS                                                           STAFF

          Celebrating                        THE AMOROSO AWARD                  PROFESSORSHIPS

          achievements of                    sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition  In 2021/22, we were delighted
                                             Winner: Martin Hawes
                                                                                to announce the following
          our staff and                      THE J.A. WIGHT                     members of  staff that
          alumni with the                    MEMORIAL AWARD                     were promoted to Professor:
                                             sponsored by Blue Cross
          BSAVA awards                       Winner: Daniella Dos Santos        Barbara Haesler,
                                                                                Professor in Agrihealth
          2021 & 2022                        THE PETSAVERS                      Nicola Menzies-Gow,
                                             VETERINARY                         Professor in Equine Medicine
          The BSAVA awards recognise         ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
          outstanding contributions in the field                                Richard Meeson,
          of small animal veterinary practice   sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition  Professor of Orthopaedics
          and give professionals the recognition   Winner: Ross Bond            Justin Perkins,
          they deserve.                      THE BLAINE AWARD                   Professor of Equine and
          Winners received their prizes at    sponsored by Royal Canin          Translational Surgery
          this year’s BSAVA Congress in      Winner: Rosanne Jepson
          Manchester in March.                                                  Bettina Dunkel,
                                             2021 award winners also being      Professor in Equine Internal Medicine,
          Congratulations to the             presented with their prizes were:  Emergency and Critical Care
          award winners!
                                             Oliver Garden –                    Liz Chan,
                                             THE BLAINE AWARD                   Professor of Higher Education
                                             sponsored by Royal Canin
                                                                                Many congratulations to them all
                                                                                on their Professorships.
                                             Read more about the awards at

        Roger Smith elected Junior VP of the BEVA

                                            Roger Smith,  Professor of Equine Orthopaedics, has been
                                            elected Junior Vice President of the British Equine Veterinary
                                            Association (BEVA), after being elected to the Council three times –
                                            in 1997, 2000 and 2019 respectively. Additionally, Roger has been
                                            named as one of BEVA’s ’60 faces’, recognising and celebrating
                                            the successes of 60 people in the equine veterinary community to
                                            celebrate BEVA’s 60th anniversary.

          n honour of its 60th year, BEVA invited   Large Animal Associate of the European   disease.  His principal research interests
          its members to nominate individuals   College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging.    are understanding the pathogenesis of
          who they felt had inspired, developed   In 2016, he was awarded the Fellowship   tendon disease, diagnostics for tendon and
       Iand advanced equine veterinary      of the Royal College of Veterinary   ligament disease, and stem cell therapy for
        science. Roger is included in the list   Surgeons for meritorious contribution to   tendons in both horses and humans.
        as an example of someone who has    knowledge and was elected to president   Roger said: “To be included alongside the
        significantly impacted the profession.  of the European College of Veterinary   other 59 ‘faces’ is a great honour, and I am
        Roger has been at the  for 32 years,   Surgeons in July 2017.        proud to be featured together with some of
        arriving in 1990 as a Resident in Equine   Roger currently divides his time between   industry’s trailblazer and future leaders.
        Studies after graduating from the   running a specialist orthopaedic referral   “I have supported and admired the great
        University of Cambridge in 1987. He is   service within the , where he is   work of BEVA for over three decades and
        a Diplomate of the European Colleges of   involved in lameness diagnostics, imaging   am looking forward to continue working with
        Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Sports   and orthopaedic surgery, and continuing   the Council and contributing to their efforts
        Medicine and Rehabilitation and is also a   to direct research into equine tendon   within the equine veterinary community.”

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