Page 46 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 46 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 46

Professor Dominic Wells awarded

        the President’s Medal of the

        Royal Society of Biology

               rofessor Dominic Wells was
               awarded the President’s Medal
               at the Royal Society of Biology
       PAnnual General Meeting in May.
        The President’s Medal is awarded
        annually to an individual who has
        made an exceptional contribution to
        the Society, going above and beyond
        the normal volunteer role and having
        a significant impact on the organisation
        and the sector as a whole.
        Dominic received his award due to
        having Chaired the Animal Sciences
        Group for the Royal Society of Biology
        and co-chaired the UK Bioscience
        Sector Coalition since 2013.

        President & Principal, Professor Stuart Reid,

        CBE awarded Honorary Life Membership

        of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology

        and Preventive Medicine

        Earlier this year, Stuart Reid was granted an Honorary Life Membership of the Society for Veterinary
        Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM) for his support of the Society and lifetime of service.

              he SVEPM was founded in 1982   Membership was presented to him at the   disease and antimicrobial resistance in a
              and comprises approximately   latest SVEPM conference which took   One Health context.
              250 veterinary and non-veterinary   place on 23-25 March in Belfast.
        Tmembers from 24 countries. Its                                        Stuart said: “It is a huge honour to be
        mission is to enable professionals to   He is recognised by the Royal College   recognised by those with whom one
                                            of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) as a
                                                                               has worked for over 30 years. The
        meet and share knowledge to improve
        the health of animals, humans, and the   specialist in veterinary epidemiology   Society plays a pivotal role in bringing
                                            and in veterinary public health by
                                                                               together researchers from many
        environment. As part of this, the Society
        awards honorary life memberships in   the European Board of Veterinary   disciplines to champion epidemiology,
                                            Specialists. He was elected to the
                                                                               preventive medicine and economics for
        recognition of individual’s contributions
        to the field of veterinary epidemiology,   National Academy of Medicine in the   the betterment of animal and human
                                            USA in 2019 and holds Fellowships at
                                                                               health – but it also provides a social
        preventive medicine, and economics.
                                            the Royal Society of Biology; the Royal   fabric to a community that is supportive
        Stuart was selected in acknowledgement   Society of Edinburgh; the Conference of   and ultimately makes being a member a
        of his work for the Society and     Research Workers in Animal Diseases in   pleasure and a privilege.”
        his contribution to epidemiology    the USA; and the RCVS. His research
        and preventive medicine. The Life   interests remain focused on zoonotic
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