Page 5 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 5
As I write this, we’ve just embarked on
a six-week programme to install the roof Science for the Planet:
across the central atrium, finally bringing You can be part of the ’s future
the two structures together into one
continuous space. While my prediction of The Science for the Planet Campaign Our ambitions are bold, and our
a grand drinks reception this Christmas is aiming to raise funds towards the beautiful new donor wall will
may not come to pass, we are looking costs of the new facilities at the celebrate all those who have
forward to starting 2022 with fantastic ’s Hawkshead Campus. enabled the to get to this
new teaching and social facilities for our At the heart of the new facilities will point and support the into the
students and staff. future and our role at the forefront
be a beautiful atrium featuring the of the One Health approach. If you
Recently, I went back to the letter written skeleton of Eclipse and a number would like your name to feature in
by former Principal, Jimmy Buxton, of the ’s precious artworks. this installation and be part of the
which had enabled the purchase of In addition to this will be a newly for decades to come, we are
Hawkshead and set us on this path. Even commissioned installation to thank asking for donations of just £20
before the money was secured, he had a those who have supported the per month for two years or a single
firm eye on the future, and pondered: Science for the Planet Campaign.
donation of £500.
“It is of the greatest importance to Read more about it here:
acquire a property which could be or email us at
capable of development over a period of
time, to meet all requirements. No one
can foresee with any certainty all the
needs which may later arise, and it would
be common sense to allow some room
for expansion.”
Well, we’ve certainly expanded! I often wonder
what he would make of the Hawkshead
Campus now. I think he would be very proud.