Page 3 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
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Principal's Welcome
With so many – creating, as we adapted, as we
Photo: Veterinary Record, Mark Thomas remarkable life continued and the ºÚÁÏÉç remained Contents
people doing
learnt, as we refined, and ensuring
that, as far as possible, academic
so many
things in these
at the forefront of its discipline.
strangest of
And I am happy to report that by
Listing the sections in this
times, I am more
most metrics, we did just that – all
jam-packed edition of Eclipse
delighted than
thanks to the efforts, patience and
ever to bring to
working from home, studying away
you this edition
of Eclipse. Documenting our lives collegiality of our people, whether Graduation 2021 2
from campus or dealing with social
through the last year, the stories distancing in our clinics, classrooms Principal’s Welcome 3
and pictures are testament to the and offices. The pages that follow
resilience, fortitude and commitment illustrate the very many ways that General News 4
of the staff, students and alumni that this all played out in Camden, Clinical News 14
we are fortunate to count amongst Hawkshead or wherever the
the members of our extended ºÚÁÏÉç operates. Research News 18
community at the ºÚÁÏÉç.
This publication bears the name of Student News 24
There can be no doubt that it the horse, Eclipse, so closely related ºÚÁÏÉç Clothing and Gifts 30
has been challenging to meet to the early days of our history. It is
the differing requirements and said that his remarkable success as Movers and Shakers 32
expectations of a universe that a racing Thoroughbred was in some Classnotes 40
stretches from those making part due to his abnormally large heart.
contact with the ºÚÁÏÉç for the very IÂ have no doubt that our continued Reunions 54
first time, to those with a lifetime success as an organisation is due Supporting the ºÚÁÏÉç 56
association with the College, and to the large-hearted generosity and
from those who rely upon us for selflessness of all who are associated Community 62
degrees and careers, to those who with the ºÚÁÏÉç – a success that has In Memoriam 64
sit in judgement upon us; and with seen us to our 230th birthday and will
those challenges have come both see us to many, many more. So, thank CPD and postgraduate discounts 69
highs and lows, not always in equal you for your continued interest and
measure. But, here we are, well support and rest assured that we will
into a new academic year with the continue to put safety and wellbeing
corridors and labs and halls and first in all aspects of our lives on
playing fields filled once again with and off campus as we move into
the vibrancy of university life. The the uncharted waters of a, hopefully,
way it is meant to be. post pandemic world.
Creating a future that has been
shaped by new ways of studying
and working has been at the
centre of our activities throughout
these pandemic affected months