Page 37 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021






Page 37 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 37


        Oliver Garden named Dean of Louisiana

        State University School of Veterinary Medicine

              ollowing a national search,    successfully garnered research funding
              alumnus Dr Oliver Garden was   from multiple extramural granting
              named Dean of the Louisiana   agencies including NIH, USDA-NIFA,
       FState University School of          NSF, and Morris Animal Foundation.
        Veterinary Medicine in August 2021.
                                            Dr Garden provides leadership for
        Dr Garden’s background as an        all areas of the school, including
        exemplary researcher, administrator,   Comparative Biomedical Sciences,
        medical professional, and professor   Pathological Sciences, Veterinary Clinical
        with dual expertise as a clinician and   Sciences, Veterinary Medicine Library,
        researcher, positions him well to lead   Veterinary Teaching Hospital, and the
        the Louisiana State University School   Louisiana Animal Disease Diagnostic
        of Veterinary Medicine, which ranks   Laboratory. He heads a diverse learning
        eighth in NIH research funding among   environment for professional and
        veterinary schools nationwide and   graduate students, residents and interns,
        is known for its academic rigor and   and post-doctoral fellows.
        scholarly achievements.
                                            “It is the honor of a lifetime to be
        As Dean, he leads a dynamic community   entrusted with the deanship of the LSU
        dedicated to saving lives, finding   School of Veterinary Medicine,” said Dr
        cures, and improving lives through   Garden. “I could not be more excited to
        outstanding clinical and community   be part of the LSU family. I am already   held positions at the , the University
        service, educational excellence,    very much enjoying working with the   of South Carolina, Cornell University,
        and groundbreaking scholarly        students, staff, faculty, alumni, donors,   the Imperial College London, and
        research. The school’s research     and clients of this great academic   Queen Mary University of London.
        focus is evidenced in its Center of   institution as we build upon our world-
        Excellence for Infectious Diseases,   class programs in teaching, research,   Dr Garden earned a Bachelor of
        Equine Health Studies Program,      and public service.”                Science degree in pharmacology with
        Division of Biotechnology & Molecular                                   basic biomedical sciences from King’s
        Medicine, Division of Laboratory    Prior to becoming Dean, Dr Garden held  College London in 1990, a BVetMed
        Animal Medicine, and Laboratory for   leadership and teaching positions at   from the  in 1993, and a Doctor
        Equine and Comparative Orthopedic   several schools of veterinary medicine.   of Philosophy in gastrointestinal
        Research. LSU VetMed faculty conduct   He served as chair of the Department of   immunology from the  in 1998.
        groundbreaking comparative biomedical   Clinical Sciences & Advanced Medicine   Dr Garden is board certified in small
        and translational research and have   at the University of Pennsylvania School   animal internal medicine.
                                            of Veterinary Medicine. Prior to that he

        Robin Franklin wins the

        King Faisal Prize in Medicine

                ongratulations to        Professor Franklin was awarded the
                alumnus Professor Robin     prize in recognition of his seminal and
                Franklin (BVetMed, 1988)    pioneering work on the biology of myelin
        Cfor winning the 2021               regeneration (remyelination).
        King Faisal Prize in Medicine.
                                            Professor Franklin also features on
        Robin is Professor of Stem Cell     our ‘Serious about Science’ wall of
        Medicine at the University of       achievement, which is displayed in the
        Cambridge’s Wellcome Trust-Medical   main reception at our
        Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell   Camden Campus.
        Institute. He was formerly Director of the   Read more about the prize here:
        UK MS Society Cambridge Centre for
        Myelin Repair. He is also a Fellow of the
        Academy of Medical Sciences.

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