Page 35 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021






Page 35 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 35


        The Betts Prize

                                            Through the generosity of the late
                                            Professor Alan Betts, Principal of
                                            the  from 1970-1988, and more
                                            recently from continued donations
                                            by his widow, Jane Mordue, a bronze
                                            resin maquette of Duncan’s Horses
                                            has been awarded since 1991 to many
                                            outstanding members of our community.

                                            This year’s very worthy winner was
                                            the ’s Karen Wright, Rotation &
                                            Examinations Officer.
                                                                                 Professional Alan Betts,
                                            Deputy Principal, Professor David    Principal , 1970-1988
                                            Church, was incredibly honoured
                                            and thrilled to be able to announce
                                            the winner at the Graduation Ceremony
                                            in July. He said: “Karen’s efforts have
                                            ensured that generations of students
         Karen Wright                       have been able to undertake the
         The Betts Prize Winner 2021        tracking rotations and core rotations
                                            at times and with exceptions that
                                            are simply outstanding. She has
               he Betts Prize is a biannual   been a role model for many of us
               award given to a member      – congratulations Karen”.
               of the  community for
        Ttheir exceptional commitment       In September, after 18 years at
        and outstanding contribution to the   the , Karen retired. We wish    The Betts Prize, Duncan’s Horses
                                                                                 bronze resin maquette
        advancement of the  far beyond   Karen the very best in her retirement.
        the call of duty.                   Enjoy it, Karen.

        Renate Weller becomes

        Dean of Veterinary Medicine

        at the University of Calgary

               rofessor Renate Weller,    Amongst her many accomplishments,
               alumnus and past member of   Renate was awarded her PhD (2006)
               staff, was recently appointed   and MSc in Veterinary Education
       P as Dean of the Faculty of          (2012) at the .
        Veterinary Medicine at the University
        of Calgary.                         Wishing Renate all the best in her
                                            new role and adventures
        After leaving the  in 2018, Renate   in Canada.
        took up the role of Director of Learning,
        Education and Development at CVS
        Group plc and now embarks on her
        new role in Alberta, Canada, which
        commenced in September this year.
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