Page 17 - ºÚÁÏÉç Welcome Pack 2023
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The UK is transitioning to Digital Immigration whether for a single or multiple employers may
The UKCISA website is the Status or eVisas and BRPs will be replaced with be restricted. For more information, please visit
eVisas; if you hold an immigration permission
the UKCISA website. Students who are not on a
go-to resource for all issues that extends beyond 2024 your BRP will expire UK entry Visa are advised to limit working hours
regarding the international on 31 December 2024. during term time to 20 hours a week. During
holidays you are able to work full time. You’ll be
student experience Police Registration able to find the term-dates on the ºÚÁÏÉç intranet
once you are enrolled.
Effective 5 August 2022, international students
are no longer required to register with the Information, Advice and
Police. If your permission letter, entry clearance
vignette or BRP carries the Police Registration Guidance
endorsement you are not required to register The UK Council for International Student Affairs
upon entry to the UK. (UKCISA) has worked since 1968 to support
international students and the institutions and
Attendance Monitoring organisations who work with them. The UKCISA
website is the go-to resource for all issues
We are required to monitor the attendance regarding the international student experience.
of students who are sponsored for a Student They provide an extensive Info and Advice
visa. In addition to this, attendance of students page that has the most up-to-date information
in receipt of Direct Loans from the U.S. regarding visas and immigration, fees and other
Department of Education will also be monitored. practical matters.
You can find the Attendance and Engagement
Policy on the ºÚÁÏÉç website.
Please collect your BRP before on-site Working in the UK You can also contact our dedicated
student support team in the Advice
enrolment and bring it with you when you come We are aware that students need to work during Centre with visa related questions.
to enrol. If your BRP has not arrived at the Post their time at the ºÚÁÏÉç. Students on a UK entry
Office before enrolment don’t worry, bring a Visa should be mindful of the regulations and
copy of your permission letter with you and we’ll limitations surrounding their ability to work. All
need see your BRP once you have collected it. work, paid or unpaid (not including volunteering),
The Royal Veterinary College