Page 11 - ºÚÁÏÉç Welcome Pack 2023







Page 11 - ºÚÁÏÉç Welcome Pack 2023
P. 11


               Moving away from home to a new            Things to pack in your hold luggage
               country can be exciting but you needn’t
               worry about missing your home                Clothes – British weather can be
               comforts. London is a large city and         extremely unpredictable. Pack                       What not to bring
               will have just about everything you          items suitable for all seasons
               can think of. However, there are a few       (if you are coming from a very                      Books – these will take up considerable
               things that we recommend bringing            different climate, it may be cheaper                baggage allowance and it’s better not to buy
               with you:                                    to buy suitable clothes when you                    in advance, since you could be spending
                                                            arrive)                                             money on a book you won’t use or that
               Things to pack in your hand luggage          Personal items – photographs of                     could be provided at a lower price once
                                                            loved ones and reminders of home                    you’re here
                    Valuables such as your phone and                                                            Towels, bedding and kitchenware – these
                    wallet/purse                            are a great way to brighten up your
                                                            room and help you feel settled                      will take up valuable space in your luggage
                    Passport (containing visa/visa          Electrical items – including three-                 and you can buy them locally or we can
                    vignette if applicable)                 point (type G) travel adaptors.                     arrange for delivery of items to you room
                                                                                                                through UniKit. Please look out for an email
                    ºÚÁÏÉç offer letter and/or CAS email       Countries other than the UK that                    about this.
                                                            use three-point plugs are Cyprus,
                    Financial evidence                      Malta, Malaysia, Singapore and                      Banned or restricted items – these can be
                                                            Hong Kong. If you are moving from                   viewed on the HM Revenue & Customs
                    Address of UK accommodation                                                                 website
                                                            one of these you should not need a
                    Tickets for your flight                 travel adaptor.                                     If you are coming to the UK from outside

                    UK currency for any initial costs       Don’t forget to label your luggage                  the EU, please be aware that there may be
                                                                                                                restrictions on how much cash you can
                    and expenses when you first             with your details in English, check                 bring with you. Please see the GOV.UK
                    arrive and before you have a UK         your baggage allowance to avoid                     website for further details.
                    bank account set up (taxi fares,        extra costs, and ensure that you
                    food etc.)                              bring photocopies of all your
                                                            important documents (passport, visa
                                                            etc.) alongside passport photos.


               The Royal Veterinary College
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