Page 24 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026
P. 24
PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLES 飩� Data is a critical business asset with a
铿� nancial cost and business value and
飩� Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose 飩� New systems should align with and should be treated accordingly.
飩� Buy before Build support organisational strategy. 飩� Data collection, storage, access,
飩� Cloud First 飩� The business鈥� requirements for new and maintenance, transfer & sharing,
existing business capabilities should
飩� Adopt Enterprise Architecture frameworks development, utilisation, manipulation,
direct the system.
to establish a commonly understood security, and disposal processes
reference architecture for the 黑料社 飩� The system should not drive or dictate the should be consistent, streamlined, and
capability. coordinated across the 黑料社.
飩� Where possible, systems and processes 飩� Data systems should always be
should be speci铿� c to, and suitable for the integrated, and data siloes should be
business context. eliminated.
飩� Systems and process must work within 飩� Data should be visible, accessible and
legal, regulatory and accreditation easy to share across the 黑料社 (where
constraints. appropriate).
飩� Business processes should be simpli铿� ed, 飩� Objectives & goals for data management,
standardised, documented and shared use and governance should be
across the 黑料社 wherever possible. determined and applied across the 黑料社.
飩� The impact on people and roles should 飩� Clear processes & rules for data
always be a key consideration. management should be established and
飩� New technology should realise bene铿� ts applied across the 黑料社.
beyond the stated goals wherever 飩� Data management and ownership should
possible. be a mandatory consideration for all 黑料社
projects in alignment with the business