Page 16 - International 2025-26







Page 16 - International 2025-26
P. 16

3       D390      CAMDEN &         3       C100                       3        D300
          YEARS     (D391)   HAWKSHEAD      YEARS      (C101)    CAMDEN         YEARS      (D301)    CAMDEN
                 (WITH PLACEMENT YEAR)             (WITH PLACEMENT YEAR)               (WITH PLACEMENT YEAR)

        BSc ANIMAL BIOLOGY,  BSc                                               BSc
        BEHAVIOUR, WELFARE  BIOLOGICAL                                         BIOVETERINARY
        AND ETHICS                          SCIENCES                           SCIENCES


        Are you interested in why animals   The BSc Biological Sciences course   The BSc Bioveterinary Sciences
        behave the way they do? Would you   offers a unique programme of       course is a unique blend of the
        enjoy using biology to understand   research, unrivalled teaching and   biological sciences relating to
        animal bodies and minds? Do you want   some of the best practical facilities in   animals, the way they work, their
        to improve animal welfare in ways that   the UK. The programme draws on our   health, their diseases, and their
        really work? Then this is the course   long history of cutting-edge research   relationships with humans.
        for you. Animal welfare is at the heart   that has contributed to advances
        of ºÚÁÏÉç’s mission, and it is a growing,   in human and veterinary medicine,   This course aims to equip you with
        multi-disciplinary field of science.    and explores the fundamentals of   the latest skills for a range of careers
        The BSc Animal Biology, Behaviour,   biological and biomedical science   in veterinary-related science, as well
        Welfare and Ethics course builds on   that are needed to understand and   as in STEM and non-STEM industries.
        our international reputation in this field.  develop new therapies for both   You will be taught by a range of skilled
                                            human and animal diseases.         scientists and clinicians with extensive
        On this degree you will start by learning                              experience of research into animal and
                                                                               human disease. The course will give you
        biological principles, to enable you to   The course will give you a clear and detailed   a clear and detailed understanding of
        understand how animal cells and bodies work,   understanding of underpinning physiology   underpinning physiology and cellular and
        both when healthy and during disease. As you   and cellular and molecular biology, as well as   molecular biology, disease mechanisms
        specialise, you will increasingly use science to   an insight into disease mechanisms and an   and approaches to therapy, using
        understand animal behaviour and welfare, and   appreciation of comparative and integrated   comparative and integrated approaches
        learn how to use evidence to make your own   approaches to aid diagnosis and treatment    in order to improve veterinary and human
        ethical evaluations about animal use in society.   in the future.
                                                                               health in the future.
        Part of the final year will be devoted to   The course explores the basic biological   You will require ambition to succeed and a
        your own major research project on animal   sciences that inform current biomedical   desire to improve animal health and welfare.
        behaviour or welfare, to be supervised by   research and clinical practice. Biological   We demand high levels of motivation and,
        an expert on the subject and carried out   Sciences is a hands-on course, and   in return, promise a rich and rewarding
        either at the ºÚÁÏÉç or with one of our partners,   includes extensive practical and small-group   experience during your time with us.
        such as at an animal-related establishment.   teaching, as well as lab placements. You
        To date our student projects have covered   will be exposed to cutting-edge research   You will have the option to undertake a
        companion, farm, zoo, lab and sports animals.   in comparative physiology and medicine,   work placement year. You are responsible
        This experience builds upon a 6-week animal   livestock production and health, and animal   for finding your placement and we support
        behaviour/welfare research project in the   welfare science and ethics.   you in this activity.
        second year. You will have the option to
        undertake a work placement year. You would   You will have the option to undertake a work
        be responsible for finding your placement and   placement year. You are responsible for
        we support you in this activity.    finding your placement and we support you
                                            in this activity.

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