Page 14 - Paws and Hooves - Spring 2024






Page 14 - Paws and Hooves - Spring 2024
P. 14

Your support in action...

       The Myers                           K9 Training  Sherpa’s

       Family                              Club                                 Money Box

       Dennis and his late wife, Pat, have
       been huge supporters of the Blood
       Donor Programme donating the
       funds needed to purchase the team’s
       centrifuge and the Cell Saver machine.
       The centrifuge is used to separate the
       donated blood into plasma and red
       blood cells. The Cell Saver is used
       during surgery to collect any blood
       lost which is then filtered and cleaned
       before being infused back into the
       patient. We are incredibly grateful to
       the Myers for their support.

                                           The K9 Care Dog Training Club, ran by
       The Rumba                           Joan and Paul, has been an incredible                        Sherpa
                                           supporter, raising over £14,000. They
       Foundation                          organised events to raise funds including   Geoff and Karen have a unique
                                           an annual dog show. They told us:
                                           “It was wonderful to see so many people
       A year after launching, the Rumba   talking, laughing and coming along to   and special way they support the
       Foundation gave their very first    our stall to say hello to the dogs. Even we  programme. When a beautiful German
                                                                                shepherd named Sherpa came into their
       donation to us to fund a sterile tube   were noticed sometimes!”         lives, they learnt that his uncle, Caesar,
       welder for the Blood Donor Programme  Their dog show raised funds to help   had been a blood donor at the .
       in 2017. The welder allows the team   purchase a fridge for the programme.
       to split full units of packed blood into   Charlotte Russo, Head Transfusion   They attended training sessions with
       smaller units in a sterile way to support   Medicine Nurse, said: “This fridge   Sherpa, but when Covid-19 struck
       our smaller patients. By splitting the   enables us to store blood in the best   they could no longer go and they
       units, we can provide the precise   possible conditions. Donations like   decided to collect the pennies they
       amount of blood for smaller patients   this are invaluable to us; without   had saved in a money box. Every year
       without any waste. This has had a   them we wouldn’t be able to advance   to celebrate his birthday and to honour
       huge impact on our Emergency and    transfusion medicine or keep up      Caesar’s memory, they kindly send
       Critical Care Service who are now   with the hospitals demand for blood   us ‘Sherpa’s savings’. Sherpa will be
       able to provide blood products to our   products that save the lives of so many   celebrating his fifth birthday this June
       smaller patients on demand.         critically ill animals every year.”  and hopes to continue raising money.

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