Page 53 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024






Page 53 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 53


              Class of 1962 reunion

              Dr Mark Hawken (BVetMed MS)                                            Silver Jubilee Reunion
                                                                                        – 25 years of veterinary
                                                                                        nursing courses

                     even of us plus three family   The board in the photo was a compilation
                     members met at The Swan,     of emails from our members living abroad    he Centre for Veterinary
                     Streatley on 5th October 2022   and photos relating to our years at the   Nursing commemorated
             Sfor lunch.                          . The Swan proved to be a superb         its Silver Jubilee Reunion
                                                  venue, revamped since our last visit   Ton Saturday 16th March.
              My thanks to Nicola at RCVS and Sam   in 2015 with a very pleasant Coppa   This followed 25 years of 
              in the  Alumni Relations team for   restaurant and lounge and we were given   undergraduate veterinary
              assisting me to contact members of our   a small private annex for lunch, although   nursing courses and 16 years
              year of qualification, 60 years ago, and   unfortunately they had no beer!  of postgraduate veterinary
              Andy for the photos.                                                      nursing courses.
                                                  All send their best wishes to those who
              Sadly we had late apologies for health   could not attend, and we are to take a   With more than 80 guests in
              reasons from David Whittingham and    rain check in 2027 to see if anyone might   attendance, the event welcomed
              Len Geeson. The seven who met were    hobble there to meet again.         alumni, past and current staff,
              Jill Kennedy & Robert, John Simmons                                       as well as special guests and
              & son, Andrew Spurrel & Anita, Mike                                       speakers to mark the
              Gordon, Tony Cullen, Alex Russell                                         significant milestone.
              and Dr. Mike Hawken.

                                                                                        Read more about it in the
                                                                                        General News section
                                                                                        on page 11

              Class of 1969 55-year reunion

              Chris Sanders, BVetMed 1969

                    hanks to Tony Sansom’s
                    organisation and communication
                    skills, 25 of the 1969 graduates,
              Talong with partners, turned up for
              one or both days to the Inn on the Lake,
              Ullswater, Cumbria.
              There were communal meals on both
              evenings with informal association, walks
              locally, and boat trips on the lake during
              the day. There was obviously lots of
              catching up to do since the last reunion,
              with plenty of consternation, deliberation
              and commiseration.
              There was also discussion of the current
              state of our profession and the way
              large numbers of practices are bought   Attendees (from left to right, top) were Bill Eaton-Evans, Richard Jackson, Colin Vogel, Neil Newton, Brian
              up by investors whose main focus is the   Rosevear, Paul Watson, Geoff Lane, Pete Abbott, Roger Gunning, Mike Spicer, Chris Trower, Mike Alder, Dave
              bottom line, rather than the ethical and   Jones, Chris Sander, Geoff Robins, and Mike Clark. Lower tier (left to right) are Tony Sansom, Liz Gardner,
                                                   Eddy Beltran, Alex Talbot, Hilda Jackson and John Hawkridge, with Pete Robinson laying at the front.
              affordable care of their patients.   Absent from the photograph but in attendance were Roger Harrison and Viv Swift.

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