Page 73 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 73 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 73



           Finally, our hives are up and
           running at Boltons Park Farm!
           After a tricky start with new queens
           being introduced, we now have
           two thriving colonies of bees in our
           beautiful new beehives at the farm.
           Students and staff have attended
           beekeeping training sessions led
           by our brilliant local beekeeper
           Terry Davis.
           It’s incredible to see the bees at
           such close quarters with some of us
           were lucky enough to see new bees
           emerging from their cells. Hopefully,
           we will be selling our very own
           Boltons Park Farm honey next year!



                                                                                  We continue to collect
                                                                                  and donate food items to
                                                                                  our local food banks in
           Milk                                                                   Potters Bar and Hatfield
                                                                                  and will continue to do this
          Towards the end of this year,                                           throughout the year.
          we are going to start selling
          the milk from our 90 strong                                             Through our freecycle
          Holstein Friesian/Brown Swiss                                           scheme, we have also been
          herd at Boltons Park Farm.                                              able to donate blankets,
                                                                                  sheets and towels to a local
          A milk vending machine will offer
          full and semi-skimmed options in                                        kennels and cattery, where
          reusable glass bottles. The milk                                        they were gratefully received.
          will be pasteurised and skimmed
          on site, meaning we can go from
          grass to glass in zero miles, with no
          transportation emissions. This will
          be sold from a newly converted,
          accessible barn on the farm.

          If you live nearby please do
          come and visit.

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