Page 55 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 55
RCVS Dr Donald Palmer 鈥�
Awards joint winner of the inaugural
British Society Immunology
Earlier this year, RCVS
announced its 2023 Honours Diversity and Inclusion Award
and Awards recipients. We
are delighted to say that two ongratulations to Dr Donald 鈥� Being an advocate to support the early
of our alumni were recipients. Palmer, Associate Professor careers of researchers, which led to the
of Immunology, who is the BSI setting up the Careers Enhancing
IMPACT AWARD Crecipient of the inaugural British Grant that Donald chairs. It has so far
The Impact Award was launched Society Immunology (BSI) Diversity and delivered 36 grants to members.
in 2017 and is bestowed upon a Inclusion Award, in recognition of leading Donald also co-founded the Reach
veterinary surgeon or veterinary various equality, diversity and inclusion Society, a community enterprise to
nurse who has recently, or is (EDI) initiatives across the spectrum of encourage and motivate young BAME
currently, undertaking a project, immunology and the wider life sciences. individuals to realise their potential,
initiative or similar endeavour that has The award was announced at the BSI particularly in STEM careers.
a significant impact on the profession Immunology Awards Ceremony in April, at Donald is one of the 黑料社鈥檚 EDI
at large, animal health or welfare, or the Royal College of Physicians, London. champions, being a member of the 黑料社
public health. The activities that Donald has been EDI committee since its conception, and
recognised for include:
There are two recipients of the everyone is delighted that his tireless
Impact Award this year and one of 鈥� Supporting a range of EDI initiatives efforts in EDI work, both in the 黑料社
these is Dr Collin Willson MRCVS 鈥� Leading on the public engagement and externally in the wider science
(BVetMed, 1973) community, is recognised.
about Covid and vaccination in
community groups and health authorities You can read more about the 黑料社鈥檚 EDI
STUDENT COMMUNITY work on page 10.
AWARD 鈥� Promoting immunology (Bioscience)
The RCVS Student Community in schools
Award was founded in 2020. This
recognises a veterinary or veterinary
nursing student who has made a real
effort to support their fellow students
and the wider veterinary/veterinary
nursing school community, including
the local community where their
institution is based.
There were two recipients of this
year鈥檚 RCVS Student Community
Award and one is newly graduated
Legend Thurman (BVetMed, 2023)
These awards were presented to the
recipients at this year鈥檚 RCVS Annual
General Meeting and Awards which
took place on Friday 7 July.
More can be read about
these awards here: