Page 82 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022






Page 82 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 82

Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma and

          MSc in Veterinary Education

        Promoting teaching excellence

        across the veterinary profession

        Are you training students on        Past PGCert students have commented:
        EMS placements in your practice?
        The MSc in Veterinary Education       “    The ’s Vet Ed Certificate programme
        is aimed at those actively involved   supported my continuing development as an
        in veterinary workplace training or
        education, to enhance your skills in   educator on many levels. In the short term it
        excelling the students you support.   provided a number of new approaches which could
                                              be deployed quickly to improve my current teaching.
        Focused on mature learners with
        busy schedules, the MSc in Veterinary   On a deeper level it challenged my thinking around
        Education is a part-time, fully remote,   what effective higher education is and how I can
        flexible programme. The Certificate
        can be completed in one academic      respond to the evolving needs of students.     ”
        year, focused on support for teaching,
        including in a veterinary clinic. You then
        have the option to continue onto the   “   Since starting the postgraduate course in
        Diploma and MSc.                      veterinary education I feel I am more engaged in
        The programme will equip you with     the learning experience of my students. I feel I am
        the skills to develop your performance   helping change students into life-long learners and
        as an educator and provide an enhanced
        learning experience to anyone you teach   as I reflect on the changes I experience, I feel I am
        or train.                             able to accompany them in their journey, which
        Developed by experts at the ’s     parallels mine.  ”
        prestigious LIVE Centre, the programme
        will enable you to;
        •    Obtain expert input on your    For more information, visit or contact the Vet Ed
            teaching/training               team Applications will reopen in February 2023.
        •    Enhance your career progression
        •    Participate in a supportive peer
            community of veterinary educators
            around the world.

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