Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Spring 2024







Page 1 - Clinical Connections - Spring 2024
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                                                                             ºÚÁÏÉç Clinical Services Newsletter  Spring 2024


        There has been a significant expansion of   Studying  these  stored  biological  from the Animal Care Trust, the registered
        the ºÚÁÏÉç Cancer Biobank, thanks to a grant   specimens enables researchers to unravel   charity of the ºÚÁÏÉç. The biobank enables us
        from the ºÚÁÏÉç's Animal Care Trust. Floryne   the  complex  genetic  and  molecular   to be at the forefront of this transformative
        Buishand,  (Lecturer  in  Small  Animal   underpinnings of cancer.  This knowledge   field, offering a solution that revolutionises
        Soft  Tissue  Surgery),  Christopher   not only enhances our understanding of the   cancer research and treatment. With our
        Scudder  (Senior  Lecturer  in  Small   disease but also opens the way to innovative   state-of-the-art facilities and unwavering
        Animal  Internal  Medicine)  and  Joe   treatments and personalised care.   commitment to excellence, the ºÚÁÏÉç is
        Fenn  (Senior  Lecturer  in  Veterinary   Without a comprehensive biobank, such   poised  to  make  a  lasting  impact  on  the
        Neurology  and  Neurosurgery)  outline   breakthroughs  would  be  considerably   future of cancer care.
        the value of the ºÚÁÏÉç Cancer Biobank.  hampered, slowing down progress in the   We focus on the collection, storage, and
                                            fight  against  cancer,  which  remains  a   preservation of paired residual cancer,
             he ºÚÁÏÉç Cancer Biobank aims to   formidable challenge for both veterinary and   blood and urine samples and associated
             improve  companion  animal  and   human medicine.                  clinical data of dogs and cats treated at
        T human  health,  by  providing  a                                      ºÚÁÏÉç Small Animal Referrals. To safeguard
        resource of high quality biospecimens for   Making a lasting impact     sample  integrity,  our  procedures  strictly
        translational research that will result in   Recent  significant  expansion  of  the  ºÚÁÏÉç   follow Standard Operating Protocols,
        cancer therapy advancements.        Cancer Biobank was enabled by a grant   guaranteeing that DNA, RNA, and protein

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        A WEEK WITH THE            MILESTONE FOR             GAIT ASSESSMENT            TREATMENTS FOR
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