The application process varies depending on the course you would like to apply for, when you want to start, and whether you are applying from the UK or from outside the UK.


All students are usually required to apply for undergraduate degrees through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Applications open in September and deadlines for our courses are the 14th October 2025 and 29th January 2025. You can use the course search tool to find the course and institution you are interested in, and begin your application.

Deferred Entry

If you are interested in taking a year out before starting your undergraduate degree, you can apply for deferred entry through UCAS. When submitting your application, select deferred entry for the following academic year. If applying for a course that interviews, please ensure you are available across the relevant part of the year.

International Students

If you are not classed as a UK student, you are considered an international student and are subject to paying different tuition fees. However, you are still required to submit an application through UCAS. For more information on applying as an international student, please visit .


Graduates from North America who are interested in studying a veterinary medicine course must apply through VMCAS. Applications open in January 2024 and the application deadline is 15th September 2025.

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