ºÚÁÏÉç Anatomic Pathology Residency

The three-year residency in anatomic pathology provides advanced instruction in the areas of post mortem examination, surgical pathology, immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology and also provides adequate time for self-directed learning. The programme has a strong track record of training candidates who are successful in specialist Board examinations. 

Objectives of the Residency

The programme’s objectives are to:

  • To prepare you to successfully complete the anatomic pathology certifying examinations administered by The American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP) and Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath).  
  • Obtain a solid understanding of the laboratory methods and pathologic bases of diseases to prepare you for a career as a veterinary anatomic pathologist.  
  • Allow you to conduct clinical research projects and produce conference and peer-reviewed journal publications from these.

During this training programme you will be expected to:

  • Perform diagnostic work and participate in a shared anatomic pathology rota.
  • Undertake a research project in anatomic pathology and produce a publication from this.
  • Participate in Journal Clubs, Rounds and other discussion groups.
  • Prepare for publication a case report or case series, as first author, in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Present a poster or oral presentation in at least one international meeting.
  • Contribute to undergraduate training by participation in clinical rotations, small group teaching and seminars. 

Duties of the Resident

You will have an incremental role in the diagnostic services provided by the pathology laboratories at the College. You will be closely supervised by specialist anatomic pathologists throughout the three years of the residency, with more independence in your third year. Teaching commitments will include instruction of anatomic pathology to undergraduate veterinary students via participation in post-mortem examinations as part of a rota system, and assistance with practical laboratories. A small research project forms an important component of the program and the MVetMed degree.  You will be supervised and funded to conduct a prospective or retrospective project in the field of anatomic pathology, which will result in the submission of a manuscript for publication by the end of the three year contract. You will be expected to attend a variety of weekly discussion sessions and seminars for gross and histopathology rounds, journal club and Joint Pathology Center Wednesday Slide Conference slide review sessions. You are encouraged to attend clinical seminars and departmental research seminars.  Participation in a national or international conference on anatomic pathology is also offered (subject to approval by the anatomic pathology residency director).  

Selection criteria for the Residencies in Anatomic Pathology

See attributes and qualifications for selection criteria. 

Further information

If you have any further queries about these residencies, please contact:

Dr Alejandro Suarez Bonnet (ASUAREZBONNET@rvc.ac.uk)

For general information about the programme see: Residencies.

Further details about the Pathology Group at the ºÚÁÏÉç can be found at Pathology and Diagnostic Laboratories


How to apply

More details of how to apply can be found by clicking on the How to Apply button. 

For informal discussions about this residency please contact Dr Alejandro Suarez Bonnet (ASUAREZBONNET@rvc.ac.uk)

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