Use the FinancialAidOffice@rvc.ac.uk email address for ALL correspondence with the college about loans and financial aid. If you have a query please check these pages thoroughly before contacting us, in particular the .

You will receive replies from individuals, but DO NOT email individuals. Staff who work in this area are part time and at times absent due to leave, illness or other commitments. Emails to FinancialAidOffice@rvc.ac.uk go to all members of staff who can deal with your query, and will result in a quicker response.

Once you begin your application via Rover, you will get automated emails confirming the status of your application. Once you have completed your application, you will be able to track the progress of our processing of your loan via Rover.

Most communication with students is done by Zuleika Longstaff, our Student Finance & Records Officer. The processing is done by Fola Oloyede.

If you need to speak to someone about your loan please ring +44 (0) 20 7121 1943.

You can visit us in person at both campuses between 9am and 2pm, but please email FinancialAidOffice@rvc.ac.uk to arrange an appointment, though if staff are available they will be happy to see you at any time.

Students in financial difficulty

The Student Records & Finance Office and the Student Welfare staff are here to help you. Please contact FinancialAidOffice@rvc.ac.uk in the first instance.

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