Page 13 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy







Page 13 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy
P. 13


                        Recognising that diversity                    III. Develop frameworks to ensure that our
                        alone does not guarantee                      curricula and pedagogy are inclusive in
                        equity and inclusion, we                      all respects, including in the decolonising
                        need to proactively harness                   domain.
                        the diversity that we have.                   IV. Develop equitable partnerships in our
                        Acknowledging and addressing                  educational, research and clinical activities.
                        structural barriers will include
                        taking positive action where
                        required, in order to create
                        more equitable outcomes.
                        We will:

                        I.  Enhance our support for students from
                        under-represented backgrounds to ensure
                        their success and to address diversity-
                        related gaps in their experience and
                        II.  Develop processes to allow us to identify
                        and nurture talent from underrepresented                                       Actively work to dismantle
                        groups in our staff, to provide more equitable
                        opportunities for career development.                                          structural barriers.

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