People Finder
We have found the following people that match '':
Dr Dominic Barfield
Deputy Clinical Director QMHA & Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 01707 666 366
Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Hawkshead
Ms Nicola Barker
Programme Administrator +44 (0)1707 666952
Academic Registry, Hawkshead
Miss Zoe Barnfield
ECC nurse +44 (0)1707 666090
Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Hawkshead
Mr Alan Barr
Maintenance Supervisor +44 (0)1707 666618
Maintenance, Hawkshead
Miss Sophia Barrett
IT/AV Technician +44 (0)1707 669619
Infrastructure Services Directorate, Hawkshead
Miss Sarah-Gay Barton
Veterinary Nurse +44 (0)1707 666333
Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Hawkshead
Miss Candice Bartram
Equine Client CoordinatorEquine, Hawkshead
Dr Clive Bate
Lecturer +44 (0)1707 666333
Mrs Beverley Bates
Scanning AssistantMrs Sarah Batt-Williams
Senior Teaching Fellow +44 (0)1707 669554
MIss Andrea Beach
Client Services Co-Ordinator (Out of Hours)Dr Stuart Becker
VetCompass EpidemiologistMiss Keziah Beels
Equine TechnicianMr Jeremy Beguin
Clinical Fellow in Small Animal OncologyQMH, Hawkshead
Miss Ruby Bell
Transfusion Medicine RVN +44 (0)1707 666366
Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Hawkshead